Live Nepali Theatre Vs Nepali Movie Industry

Recently, I was doing an online research on different types of theatre. I was surprised when AsheshMalla and his theatre group Sarvanam were mentioned in the modern Street Theatre movement in the world category; and that of Sunil Pokahrel and Aarohan-Gurukul Theatre Group in the development of Proscenium Theatre in Asia. I was overwhelmed, even […]

Wild Land Resources in Nepal

Nepal is gifted with a stupendous wealth of biodiversity, both in flora and fauna. Even though Nepal covers less than 0.03 percent of the earth’s landmass, the wide range of latitudinal variations produce about 6 percent Bryophytes, 3 percent Pteridophytes, 8 percent of all birds, 4 percent mammals and 645 butterflies available in the world. […]

The State of Agriculture in Nepal

The development of the agriculture sector can be instrumental in dealing with the country’s rampant poverty and unemployment problem. Prime Minister Oli has said that the government would increase the agriculture budget twofold to ensure food security. When industrialisation is a far cry, investing in agriculture is a positive sign for an ailing economy. Hydropower […]

Khukuri, Kukri: A Utility Tool And War Weapon From Nepal

Khukuri is a Nepali knife with the size ranging from penknife to sword length. The design is similar to machete but unlike straight blades of machete, khukuri is slightly curved inside from the middle. You can find different spelling variations for khukuri. While Khukuri is the spelling used by the Nepalese, Westerners prefer to spell […]

Nepali Theater: Past and Present

History of Nepal Theater Festivals signify Nepali identity. Nepali festivals set off everything – rituals, culture, history, politics, even theater. Without close reading of Nepali festivals, history of Nepali theater is incomplete. Rulers of Nepal have always been patron of arts. They were not only the spectators but also the playwrights. Most of the dance-dramas […]

Nationalism in Nepal: How History Influences Nationalism in Nepal

How Old Is Nepal Nepal nation has been mentioned in the Hindu Epic Mahabharata and the Hindu Scriptures Purana. Hindu Epic Ramayana is older than the Mahabharata. Rama, the central character in the Ramayana married Sita from Nepal.  Scholars believe that the epics are loosely based in the historical accounts. The events in the Mahabharata […]

How Education Sector is Being Politicized in Nepal

The young people in Europe’s idyllic Nordic region take no interest in politics that is according to a Swedish study published recently. However, they reap the benefits of the earlier generations’ political activism. The studies suggest that youth are much less interested in participating in the political process in those countries. The youth mainly refers […]

Why is Racial Division Getting Strong in Nepal

Nepal is an ancient nation. Nepal has been mentioned in Hindu epic Mahabharata and Hindu Scripture Skanda Purana. However, the mention of Nepal in the Mahabharata and Skanda Purana does not prove the age of Nepal because when these versions of Mahabharata and Skanda Purana were written is also a point to consider. The popular […]